mercredi 27 juillet 2011

The Social Network - How Google should position Google + and why they have not (yet).

It is deeply understood that you can not compete with facebook by creating a similar high-quality, highly conceptualised social network. Even if features like filtering the posts are much more socially flexible in Google + than facebook would allow it for now, functionnalities of both websites have so little differences for lambda-users that I would hardly imagine them to switch from the well-frequented platform to the not-yet-finished-impression that Google Plus leaves you with .

However, when looking to my normal use of Plus, these are the functionalities that, I believe, make Google + a real "plus" to social networking.
1. Meta cloud working : One of the most interesting features is... not in Google +. They are all other features that we, cloud-workers, do use on a day per day basis. In instance, to switch from Google Calendar or Documents to Gmail and Google Plus, without the boreness of changing loggin or even our browser window, is a real big difference from FB.
2. Video chat / hang out. The features will be soon implemented under facebook (noticeably with the latest agreement they have signed with Skype), but I would bet Google to stay first-on-the-row on this feature. Hangout / Video Chat is a fine way to organise chat between friends, but before anything else, it is a fantastic, cheap, easy way to organise virtual meetings for peoples in different locations, sharing same videos and in time looking at the same slideshows, documents etc
3. Filtering (again) : ever thought of these people obliged to set-up two different FB accounts (or one FB account for their friend, one Linkedin for business) ? Now on FB, you can have everything on one page : business updates for your business circle, crazy updates for your friends. Doesn't it make life easier ?

So, why Google has not positionned itself as a B2B website ?
1. if you want to grow quickly (and thus to please your shareholders), don't brand yourself B2B. that what happened to (the great) google waves, and that is why it failed.
2.facebook is not trendy is the whole world, where google is (i.e. google's brand is stronger than facebook). By letting space to individuals, Google PLus will be able to compete with FB in such countries where Zuckerberg's big brother has not reached popularity yet.
3. as it can also be used by individuals, why would they promote only one side of the business when you can reach out to both audiences ?
4. maybe the project is that big that they have not had the time to understand themselves the above yet (lol)

And you ? Have you already thought of the Business Use you could do of Google Plus ?

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